Let’s be frank. Ketsbaia is clearly seeking dismissal, and Cypriot football enthusiasts are echoing this sentiment. So, why prolong the inevitable?

Before exploring the enigma of Ketsbaia, it’s important to establish one fact: the Cypriot national team has never been, and is unlikely to ever become, a dominant force in global football. No Cypriot football enthusiast holds contrary beliefs. The grievances expressed by supporters of the national team do not stem from a feeling of entitlement; rather, they arise from frustration and disillusionment, knowing that the team is capable of performing at a higher level.

Interest among local fans in the Cypriot national team has hit rock bottom, with matches often played in near-empty stadiums. Meanwhile, the head coach persists in his stubbornness, adhering to the same tactics.

It’s been a year since an article on kafesflares.com shed light on Ketsbaia’s deficiencies, shortcomings, and remarks warranting dismissal. Yet, the CFA persists in keeping him in charge, despite his controversial reputation.

“Ketsbaia’s post-match comments following heavy defeats to Scotland and Spain should have warranted his dismissal. The Georgian coach has a reputation for being outspoken and critical of his players. Unfortunately, his selections and tactical choices have become predictable. It’s evident that he favours players he knows from his time at Anorthosis, which often results in players in top form being relegated to the bench or limited to cameo appearances.”

The excerpt from the aforementioned website still rings true today. There’s been no change. At this point, it’s challenging not to accuse the CFA of negligence, incompetence, self-sabotage, and corruption.

Before and after the announcement of national team squads, the recurring questions persist: Why the abundance of Anorthosis players? What makes this particular player deserving of a spot on the national team? Why the inclusion of numerous strikers when only one will likely feature? Why the surplus of central midfielders?

Before and after matches, more repetitive questions: Why play 4-5-1 or 5-4-1? Why aren’t you braver with your team selections? Why is Pileas always on the bench? Why are you still employed?

Before and after matches, a cascade of repetitive inquiries ensues: Why persist with 4-5-1 or 5-4-1 formations? Why not exhibit more daring in team selections? Why does Pileas consistently find himself on the bench? Why do you still retain your position?

Regrettably, Ketsbaia seems to have a retort ready for every inquiry. It’s as if he anticipates them, dismissing each with condescending and feeble replies, further plummeting the Cypriot national team into despair, nearly reaching a point of irrecoverability. It’s not an overstatement to say that the Cypriot national team is in a state of paralysis under Ketsbaia’s leadership.

Accountability seems to be a foreign concept to Ketsbaia. His immature tendency to deflect blame with “it isn’t my fault” during post-match press conferences should suffice as grounds for his dismissal. In truth, no one is immune to Ketsbaia’s tendency to point fingers.

Under Ketsbaia’s leadership, players, journalists, and supporters alike have all faced his wrath. According to the Georgian coach, it would appear everyone but himself is responsible for the national team’s struggles.

After the 1-0 defeat to Serbia, Ketsbaia lamented the sparse attendance, remarking, “Today there weren’t enough people but those who were here helped us. You see, when these players have the support, they give their all.” However, the situation has reached a juncture where journalists are declining to attend pre-match press conferences, as none showed up for the one slated for the match against the Serbs. The fact that even typically relentless journalists are opting out of grilling Ketsbaia speaks volumes about the futility of the exercise.

At the club level, this season has seen 18 managerial casualties. Some coaches have been dismissed less than three weeks into their roles, while others have been let go despite exceeding expectations. However, Ketsbaia continues to hold the top position in Cyprus despite an abysmal record of 3 wins, 2 draws, and 11 defeats.

Kerkida journalist Stelios Anastasiou encapsulated the prevailing sentiment among Cypriot football fans regarding Ketsbaia:

“If you truly stand by your convictions, Timur, you should step down. We don’t need a coach who fails to inspire. Fortunately, there are competent Cypriot (and foreign) coaches who have faith in our national team.”

As the tagline of this article emphasises: Ket The F Out